CNRS: Article on Photonuques 2023
Pascale Senellart talks on the future of Quantum technologies.
Link (from page 7):

Press release “How indistinguishable are indistinguishable photons? New optical interferometer puts a number on it” on physicsworld
8 November 2022

Press release “Measuring the Similarity of Photons“
2 September 2022
CNR: article “Femtosecond laser writing of integrated photonic circuits”
September 2022

LIN INL: PI video produced by LAbI
15 July 2021
Short video (5min) produced by the Laboratório Aberto de Interatividade para Disseminação do Conhecimento Científico e Tecnológico (LAbI) of UFSCar, where Ernesto F. Galvão, LIN INL PI, talks about his career and research. It is part of the project Sapiência-BR, showcasing the research of Brazilians working abroad.
Link here:

LIN INL: PI interviewed for the Podcast “Qubits e Quasares”
6 July 2021
Ernesto F. Galvão, LIN INL PI, was interviewed for the Podcast “Qubits e Quasares”, organized by the International Institute of Physics in Natal, Brazil.

Press release: Interview of Ernesto F. Galvão on the magazine Exame Informática (Portugal) about research and industry related to quantum computing in Portugal.
2 Febryary 2021
Link (article in Portuguese):

Press release: LIN INL PI Ernesto F. Galvão interviewed by Expresso
11 December 2020
Ernesto F. Galvão was interviewed by Portuguese newspaper Expresso to help explain the relevance of the recent photonic quantum computational advantage experiments using Gaussian Boson Sampling.
Link here (article in Portuguese)
A press release on the PHOQUSING project has been published on QuiX website
1 September 2020
A success story on the PHOQUSING PI Ernesto F. Galvão and the funding through the FET-Open programme has been published on INL website
20 March 2020