Principal Investigator: Pascale Senellart
Graduated from École Polytechnique and Doctor in Quantum Physics from Université Paris 6, Pascale Senellart joined the CNRS in 2001. She was appointed senior researcher in 2011 and has been professor of quantum mechanics at Polytechnique since 2014. Her research activity is at the interface between nanosciences, semiconductor physics and quantum optics. Her team developed quantum light sources of unprecedented efficiency and this work was recognised by the CNRS Silver Medal in 2014 and the election as a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) in 2018. In addition to her research activity, P. Senellart is co-founder of Quandela, a company that sells unique photon sources and is in charge of promoting industrial transfer within the DIM SIRTEQ dedicated to quantum technology in the Île-de-France region.
Team members involved in PHOQUSING:
Juan Alvarez Post-Doc

Etienne Bargel, PhD student

Nadia Belabas Junior CNRS researcher

Nathan Coste, Post-Doc Sydney

Dario Fioretto, Junior CNRS researcher

Valentin Guichard, PhD student

Hubert Lam, PhD student

Ilse Maillette de Buy Wenniger, Post-doc London

Sarah Thomas, Associate professor Imperial College

- Olivier Krebs, Research director
- Loic Lano, Full Professor
- Mathias Pont, researcher at Quandela